If you don't know what ICT stands  for here is a little help: INFORMATION AND COMMUNICATION TECHNOLOGIES (in education).

neděle 7. listopadu 2010

Are Blogs a good idea?

These days is everything about being online, most of the things which are not online simply don't exist for some people. Most of us are using social networks, creating web pages and writing  blogs. To be honest I am not a fan of any of those. 
Of course each of them has its advantages and disadvantages but do you really need them in your life? Ten years ago we lived without Facebook and our personal blog which could read people we have never met and I can not say my life was less interesting or fun.
 I don't read any blogs regularly; actually the only blogs I have ever read were for the ICT course at university and my grandmother's. There are over 50 million blogs worldwide and the main question is: Do the blogging people have something interesting to say?  

Here is a link to Gerry McGovern's blog called New thinking, he published interesting article about blogging: 

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